Rwanda envoys in Europe met for a two days workshop in Brussels

Rwanda envoys in Europe met for a two days workshop in Brussels 
Under the invitation of Excellency, Gérard Ntwari, Ambassador of Rwanda in Belgium, all his colleagues, ambassadors and high Commissioners of Rwanda in Europe met in Brussels for a workshop. 
Behind the organization of the workshop, Ambassodor NTWALI targeted a gathering between all the Ambassadors and High Commissioner of Rwanda in Europe and thereafter the inauguration of the group called "Friends of Rwanda" within the European Parliament. 
This new Group within the European Parliament has been proposed by the Embassy of Rwanda in Belgium on one hand and by Honorable Minister Louis Michel, actually European Member of parliament on the other hand. The idea is to gather all people who feel concerned   about the Rwandan Development and the initiators wanted to share their efforts with their colleagues in the Parliament and will always have to work in close collaboration with different Rwandan Embassies and high commissions in Europe.   
The gathering of Rwandan envoys in Europe  aimed at discussion  on different important issues such as the investment promotion, creation of new investment areas  and the discussion also cover the topic on  how the envoys could be stronger and united against the Genocide and other related the issues.
It seems this kind of occasion should be more often organized due of the time the Ambassadors and High Commissioner felt like it should be longer.
Source: Rwanda Diaspora Directorate: