The Bralirwa IPO prospectus has been released

The Bralirwa IPO prospectus has been released. A copy can be downloaded from our website (2Mb) at: Bralirwa Prospectus

The offer prices Bralirwa shares at RWF 136 (USD 0.229), a 20% discount to the transactions advisors fair value of RWF 170.

The key dates are as follows:

Friday 17 Dec-10 Closing Date of Offer Period

Tuesday 18 Jan-11 Announcement of Basis of Allotment Criteria

Thursday 20 Jan-11 Last date for payment of allotted offer shares of applicants who submitted bank guarantees

Monday 24 Jan-11 Dispatch of CSD Statements and dispatch of Refund cheques to unsuccessful applicants

Monday 31Jan-11 Listing and commencement of trading on the RSE

An IPO research note and additional information about the application process, especially for institutional investors, will be distributed shortly.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries regarding this transaction.

Kind regards,

African Alliance Rwanda
+250 785 694 490

African Alliance Kenya Securities
+254 20 276 2000

African Alliance Uganda
+256 414 253 753/4

African Alliance Securities Trading Limited (International Clients)
+27 11 214 8464